Grant Takara
11 months ago

Project Update: General Update

Hi everyone!

Ok, so a couple of minor snags.

Long story short, I've been playing whack a mole repairing my equipment and the special tooling I mentioned looks like it got lost during transit. Production is underway though and I think I will still fulfill in the timeline.

The main machine that I use to make these has a shorted cable for one of the spindles and that cable is really hard to access. So that machine will be down for a while. I've asked the machine tool builder about my suggested quick fixes and they told me it's not possible. I've setup production on my smaller CNC lathe and it's finished with op1. Op2 might happen this week, possibly next week. I do have a small batch of about 15 that I am finishing, some will ship out this week.

That's about all, thank you for your patience!

My complicated machine that has a shorted cable.

My simple machine at my parents house that still works. Shown is op1.

Magnet housings finished with op1 as of last night.




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