Green Ronin Publishing
12 months ago

Project Update: Fifth Season October 2023 Update

Just a short update this month, but we're going to get back to regular updates going forward. Everyone has been working steadily to get the book ready to go to press, and to get that PDF out to backers at last.

In fact, you may have noticed that earlier this week we locked orders, which also means we're going to be charging cards for shipping and add-ons. We're getting very close!

Here's Joseph Carriker with the October update!

The spinning of plates continues, but we are happy to announce that we’ve crossed an important threshold:

The Fifth Season core rulebook is now in layout! We’ve also got full art notes for our map of the Stillness, and a whole bunch of other goodies we can’t wait to share.

We’re still hard at work getting the materials for the Game Moderator’s Kit and the various Stretch Goals lined up and ready to go. Not a lot to look at on that front quite yet, but we wanted to have something to show off, so we thought we’d share a couple of iconic characters.

One of the main things that these characters are intended to do is do some heavy lifting in describing the myriad peoples of the Stillness. As such, we’ve gone for a really wide range of people in their depiction, hopefully to jumpstart the imagination of players – even those who may not be as familiar with the setting.




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