Green Ronin Publishing
9 months ago

Project Update: Fifth Season December 2023 Update

Hey everyone!

2023 is rapidly coming to a close, and while Green Ronin is taking a much needed break this week, we still wanted to make sure this month's update went out. It's a super short one, but we do have some cool new character art to show off!

Here's Joseph Carriker;

"Probably the most exciting stuff we’ve got at the moment is some of the awesome and evocative art of the people of the Stillness coming in right now, so we thought we’d share some of the excitement.

As far as the rest of the project goes, we’re continuing work on the core rulebook in production, with the other projects at about the same spot they were last month (though further along in that process, naturally)."

We will be back in 2024 with more progress updates, but we hope everyone has been having a wonderful holiday so far, and that you'll all have an incredible New Year!





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