9 months ago

Project Update: Concerning Email Notifications about Shipment Status

Good Morning to our dear club members!

About 4683 orders at this time are TEMPORARILY being marked as Fulfilled! You may have received a notice about this the other day. This is because certain orders are being distributed by Flying Cloud Fulfillment to help White Squirrel relieve a bottlenecking issue we're having in the shipping process and get these out sooner to all of you. If you have received a notice or can see it marked as such in your kit, ignore it for now! I wanted to let you know as I've seen a few comments about this in the community discussions this morning.

As a reminder, you are going to be notified HERE when shipments actually begin to be fulfilled in order to make sure everyone knows when to keep an eye on their mail. 

I will attempt to be specific in which packages are being released so that you all will know if yours is included in the batch when we get there. If anyone is asking otherwise, they may not be aware of updates available on this page so please let them know by linking this post. As soon as the timeline of shipping becomes available, another update here will go out!

Have a great weekend, everyone!






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