8 months ago

Project Update: July Update!

Hoping every one of you is managing to stay cool enough out there! 🍦 Sylphy here with another update to the status of the Lackadaisy Backerkit! We've got a lot to go through so I've divided it up and labeled the portions to make it easier for you to find what you are interested in:

Board Game! - I know we've received quite a few emails concerning the status of the board game and we haven't forgotten you! The board game is in the midst of being play-tested! Currently the prototyping is done for the box, instructions, card printing, and other elements. Right now the biggest delay is that we're going through playtesting. As much as we wish to get this out to you as soon as possible, to rush this would be to compromise the quality of the game, so thank you all for your patience during this. We'll keep you updated on when it's fully in production and ready to start shipping.

Books! - You should be receiving them from our two fulfillers - White Squirrel and Flying Cloud - at this time. Some of you received a tracking number for shipping and haven't seen any movement on your order yet - this is likely just a bottleneck in the fulfiller getting your parcel out the door because, honest to goodness, the truck picking up the book orders can only fit so many books at a time.

The truck can't fit all of the books. So, we are at about ~200ish shipments being issued out per day. And a larger one is not available... 😶 we're really sorry, but also thank you so much for supporting us because, wow, who else is lucky enough to get to say that they're making the shipping industry work out like this? 

Your books are probably just waiting in the queue for that pickup so don't worry and thank you, thank you thank you, for your patience! If you are concerned about your order once it looks like we're heading toward the end of fulfillment, please contact White Squirrel at [email protected]. However! Before you email White Squirrel: If you have not received an email with a tracking number, your package has not been shipped and is in the fulfillment queue. If you have received an email with a tracking number but your package hasn’t moved in a while, please be patient, it will make it’s way to you soon. Generally once the books are picked up, they will arrive without incident or further delay.

Merchandise and Goodies! - Psst, you want some new curios??

We have re-launched the store with some new merchandise! These little plushies are so cute you could just gobble them up! Check it out at!

these little potates will look great on top of your pc tower!

The reason we have relaunched the store - this time with the help of Glitch Productions | FinalFinal_Project - is because while crowdfunding has been enormously helpful so far, funding a production on a longterm basis is incredibly difficult.  With multiple successful, independently produced shows under their belt, Glitch has the knowhow and the tools to build an effective merchandising/shop engine. We're very excited to do more with Glitch and their team of trusted artists and manufacturers going ahead!

Juniper will continue fulfilling any outstanding backer pledge orders for Rocky, Freckle, Ivy, and Mordecai plushies and keychains. They will also still be fulfilling any orders placed in the shop before July 1st. That includes any the recent pre-orders for Mordecai and Ivy standees, Zib plushies, and Ingenue keychains. If you need to get in touch with them, you can reach their customer support here:

Any shop orders placed on July 1st or after will be fulfilled by FinalFinal_Project. For any support questions, please use this form!

Backers awaiting custom art pieces - Tracy sends her apologies for keeping you waiting! She has been relentlessly buried in production and merch-design work since the crowdfund ended, but she has your art request details in hand and is preparing  to produce those pieces, likely in August and September. If you have shipping address changes you need to report, email [email protected] and cc [email protected] so that we can reach out to her for you.
user avatar image for Clint Pereira





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