2 months ago

Project Update: Physical Copy Review! ⛄

Happy December everyone! Sylphy here! We've got a very exciting update for our fellow passengers! Physical books are here for review and I've got a few pages for you to see how well the color printing came out!

Right now our team has the ever dutiful Hye reviewing the other physicals to make sure that everything has printed correctly and is in order in the book. They were nice enough to forward me a copy as well so I could provide a few images for you all. 👀

This sounds like it would be quick, but it is more like meticulously looking over each page several times to also test the read-wear of the binding of the printing. It takes longer than you'd expect it to!

Some of the panel update highlights. Pbbt-pbbt!

Once there is an estimate of when books can be expected to be shipped to our warehouse, another update will be coming, along with a timeline of when we think we'll be able to get the books out to you all. Remember that you can stay up to date with the comic as well at! 🚌💨

We're almost at the end of the year, which means at least one day off is hopefully coming to you all! I hope that it at least snows a little more as the last couple of years here have been rather dry in the winter. Happy Holidays everybody! ⛄




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