15 days ago

Project Update: Halfway There!

Hey, hey Bloodlings new and old!

How are you doing today? 

Well, I hope you're happy, healthy, and wealthy because it looks like we just cleared the halfway mark of our funding goal. Woo-hoo! 

When we get another $349, I'll be able to announce the first stretch goal and we can work toward unlocking it!

Second, I don't know if any of you have noticed, but there are some polls and discussions available on my campaign so I can get input from y'all. 

I REALLY want to know what y'all think about the campaign, the characters, and anything else you're excited about--even if the thing you're most excited about is YOU.

Anyways, before I forget, make sure that you all are backing the other Booktopia projects along with mine so you can collect all those wonderful Oracle cards. Here's a reminder of what they look like: 

I'm still waiting on the Dreamer card (my artist is running a bit behind), but I'll post a new pic as soon as I receive it! 

Remember, to get these cards, you have to back at least two of the projects below! Here are the links:

Georgina Stancer: Ruthless Wolves (Midnight Blade MC)

J.C. Spark: Dire Contact (No Brainer Series Book 1)

If you want more cards, you'll have to back more projects. Here's a list of everyone participating in the Oracle Card Deck reward:

The Warm Machine | Lesbians in Space | Dire Contact | The Fractured Balance | Nuclear Strudel | Mermaid Song | Gamer | The Bright Spot | Like Warm Plastic | Weave of a Thousand Lies | The Eyes of Mandoral | Sombulus | Violet's Pretty Purple Playground | Shuttered Stanzas | First Life Duet | Blood Ties | Ruthless Wolves | Silver Series of Grown Up Wisdom | My Body Beeps | Reimagined: The Relic Saga

And here's a reminder of what the full set looks like:

I hope to see your names on the list of those receiving oracle cards!

Ciao for now!



Includes Follower-Exclusive Content
0 votes • Final results
Everyone who backed a PHYSICAL tier will receive the reward.
Goal: $705.95 / $1,000
We need $294.05 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach this goal, everyone will receive a (digital) personalized letter from one of the Blood Ties characters!
Goal: 0 / 100
We need 100 more to reach this goal.
Once we reach our funding goal of $700, backers will receive an unedited copy of Chapter 1 from my next publication.
Goal: $700 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
When 10 people back mine and Anna's project at the physical tiers, I'll throw in a FREE character art print!
Goal: 10 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
First stretch goal announced!
Goal: $700 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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