If you're new to crowdfunding, these update detail the game as it's made so everyone can see all the steps of getting a game made and comment with their thoughts on the whole process.
Drinking Quest: Belch of the Wild is planned to be the best Drinking Quest game yet in more ways than one. Best writing, best artwork and some new improvements like wider cards, a bigger box, the MEAD MEEPLE, and the new Annoying Sidekick system.
I've run over 10 Kickstarters but this is my first time running on Backerkit's new crowdfunding platform. I figured most people who have backed a Kicstarter have also made a Backerkit account at some point so it like a fun new thing to try.
We're expecting a boost on the site on TUESDAY when the new Gloomhaven campaign launches. As a parody game, Drinking Quest is merely an echo of the major SERIOUS Sword & Sorcery games and thrives when what we're parodying is on everyone's brains.
In the meantime, I've posted the first batch of stretch goals to look forward to:
Which one's your favourite? What other stretch goals might you want to see?
Hoping to get fully funded soon and we'll start plowing through these!