Jeszika Le Vye
7 months ago

Project Update: Surveys :)

So it seems the initial wave of surveys has gone off without a hitch and everything went smoothly and perfect :) whew lol I was a bit nervous because it was such a complex one to set up. But it seems the weeks of dotting all the i's, crossing all the t's, and triple-checking everything paid off - and everything is working as it should.

This means - all the surveys are now going out to everyone not just a random percentage of each tier. So keep an eye out for the email. I'm not sure how long it takes to send them all out or if it is instant, but either way everyone should have one pretty quickly. If you don't get one or if you have any questions - let me know and I will be happy to help :)

So excited! And can't wait to see what everyone picks! :) I have a few that are my personal favorites - but I am curious to see what everyone else's favorites are.


It looks like there were a few sticking points we didn't catch in the smoke test. A few of you have mentioned that the pictures are not showing up in the survey and the metal choices are confusing.

I went ahead and made a page on my website with all the designs clearly named and showing their metal choices: 

And for quick reference, all the pins are available in either gold or silver - except for two of the trios - the Quetzal & Jade trio and the Scarlet Ibis & Poppy Trio are available in gold or black metal instead.

I will see if there are more ways to add it to the survey itself. I'm not sure why the pictures are not showing up as added the pictures in hundreds of times to hundreds of skus - but I had trouble adding photos that showed up for the whole question, rather than each individual option after you clicked the choice. I thought I had set it up so it showed each one but it seems some of the surveys are still not showing all the photos. So in the meantime, while I try to figure out how to fix that - it is definitely much clearer on the webpage I put together. (link again:

I will also make a new update with this link to help clarify as well, and make it easier to find - but in the meantime - I hope this helps! Thanks to those of you who let me know where the tricky spots were! <3 

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