jex thomas
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Update 22: Surveys Ahoy!


Many of you have probably already noticed that I hit the "go" buttons on surveys last night. Please fill those out at your earliest convenience. I think we'll keep them open for three weeks before locking. I'll keep you updated on the production timeline and then of course shipping throughout the process. Here are where things are at currently:

  • Indexing is done and the book has been updated accordingly.
  • I went through and did some additional hyperlinking for the PDF that I think ill make it a really useful reference at the table, whether you're playing using a VTT or at a physical table. 
  • We had to make some slight changes to the cover to adhere to the printer's guidelines and making sure the cover fully fills the wrap (the bits of the image on the cover that fold over the board and get covered by the endsheets). I don't want to reveal those changes just yet but I think we came up with a fun solution that's going to look great.
  • We're working with one of the folks at the printer to get everything set up for the UV spot gloss process as well. 
  • The files are all set up according to the printer's specifications and more or less ready to be handed off.
  •  But we are currently doing a last proofreading pass just to make sure we haven't missed anything before sending the files to the printer. 
  • The printer has been paid the quoted amount and for shipping to our fulfillment partner.
  • I've met with the stretch goal writers/artists; contracts have been signed and work will be underway shortly. If all goes to plan, you'll be getting your print books and then your digital stretch goals not long thereafter. 
  • I'm working to find a local printer to do the pamphlet hunts. As a reminder, those, along with the stickers, will be sent out directly from me rather than through the shipping partner. You will not be charged shipping for both, just the hardcovers. 

Those are the main things I can think of at the moment. As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment here or ping me elsewhere. You are also always welcome to join the Discord server! We're a small but tight-knit community and we would love to have you!





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