jex thomas
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Update 25: Hurry Up and Wait

No big news this week. The book is currently in queue for production, which is super exciting, and I'm starting to get some fulfillment stuff figured out. In all, the feeling around Last Pine Press HQ is excited but a little impatient, as referenced in the title for this update.

95% of you so far have completed your surveys, so thank you for that! That leaves around 20 or so folks who still need to finish. The sooner you're able to get those done, the better! So if you've been putting it off, please take a couple of minutes to cross it off the ol' to-do list. It shouldn't take any longer than that.

Maybe one other fun bit of news is that I've started working on a one-page hack of Slugblaster Turbo X inspired by my favorite thing that's ever existed online, This is My Milwaukee. I'm still heartbroken how that all just petered out and then kind of became part of Pronunciation Guide and Horse_ebooks which themselves kind of petered out into nothing much. 

Anyway, I think I'm going to call it Welcome to Cleveland and I'm excited for it.

That's all for now,





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