WOW! It's been so heart warming to see the support the last few months for Hearts of Titan. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!

Our team has been working every day preparing for what's to come after the campaign's conclusion. We are incredibly excited to continue this story. So if you haven't already pledged, now is the last chance to do so! While our minimum goal is 50K, all the funds will be put towards the project! Any extra pledges help us make Hearts of Titan the best it can be!

 Let's get some discussion going on the page! 

Here is a question for our backers, "What would you be excited to see after the campaign?"

It can be anything: from team livestreams, production updates, character memes, the voice cast, rewards prototypes, etc. Let us know if there is anything specific you'd especially like to see!

We'll be keeping everyone up to date on Hearts of Titan's future after the campaign. SO GET HYPED! We'd love to keep the backer train going!




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