Karen Alleluia
4 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment now in progress! 🐤

Hello, my feathered friends!

The pins have finally arrived in my studio HOWEVER my manufacturer got our quantities wrong specifically for our favorite glittery legends. 200 versus 20 is a huge deal!! Most of you ordered these exclusives so unfortunately that means it'll take a few more weeks to get to you.

The plus side is that my manu is just about done with the Phoenix, Thunderbird, and Icebird extras and will be expediting the shipping. I now know that the new packages will come in by Nov. 25 which means that all packages are expected to be shipped out by the end of this month! If you have not ordered any of the glittered legends, you should get your package sooner than everyone else~

To accommodate the delay, I'm officially locking addresses this Friday (11/15 at 10AM PST). Most of our pins are already quality-checked so we will begin shipping out orders this weekend (11/17).

Thank you all for getting through this with me! I know you're going to love what I created! Sending fun pics in the next update. 🐤✨
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