Return of the Headless Horseman
Includes 6 items
×1Sleepy Hollow (Digital Edition)
×1Sleepy Hollow (POD Edition)
×1Stretch Goals: Chapbooks Digital (PDF)
×1Stretch Goals: Chapbooks POD (At-Cost)
×1Return of the Headless Horseman (Digital)
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Detailed Guide
- Print-on-Demand (PoD) Codes: When you receive a PoD code, it allows you to order a physical copy of a book from DriveThruRPG (DTRPG), but instead of paying full retail price, you only cover the production cost (what it costs DTRPG or OneBookShelf to actually print the book). This is typically much lower than the retail price of the book.
- Cost Breakdown:
- At-cost printing: You will only pay for the physical cost of producing the book (ink, paper, binding). DTRPG charges you exactly what it costs them to print the book, not the markup you’d typically see in a retail price.
- Shipping and Handling: You will still need to cover any shipping and handling fees, which DTRPG/OneBookShelf sets. The amount can vary based on where you're located, shipping options, etc.
- Flexibility in Ordering:
- You don’t need to use the PoD code immediately. You can choose when to order your book. For example, if you get the PoD code but aren’t ready to pay for the printing and shipping yet, you can wait until you’re ready.
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- PDF Access: Regardless of what tier or reward level you backed at, you will always receive a 100% free copy of the PDF version of the book. You can download this at any time after it becomes available.