Kids in the Attic
3 days ago

Project Update: Moving Forward and Clarifying Stretch Goals!

Hello, Sleepy Hollow backers!

We’re excited to share that we’re steadily moving toward our next stretch goal, Writs & Ephemera: Prop Book, and with your incredible support, it won’t be long before we unlock it! 🎉

In the meantime, I wanted to take a moment to clarify how our digital and POD rewards will work, as I know a lot of you have been asking and wanting to know. To make things clearer, I’ve updated the story page with the following:
  • Digital-Only Backers will receive all unlocked stretch goals as digital PDF Chapbooks, at no additional cost.
  • Digital + Print-on-Demand Backers will receive all unlocked stretch goals as digital PDF Chapbooks, at no additional cost, along with POD codes for every chapbook at cost.

So make sure you are backing at the pledge you want! 

This update should help make sure everyone knows exactly what to expect from their pledge level as we unlock more amazing content. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out!

Lastly, I encourage you to continue sharing this campaign with friends and fellow TTRPG enthusiasts. The more we spread the word, the faster we’ll unlock even more fantastic stretch goals and bring Sleepy Hollow to life in even greater detail!

Thank you again for your support—let’s keep this momentum going!

Kids in the Attic
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