Knight Vision Creative
4 months ago

Project Update: 🧿Choose What Artwork to Pursue. Credits Optimal Usage.

Hey, Brendan here!

I'm starting to put together a ton of art briefs for our latest creation and want you to have a chance to influence the artwork.

Choose the types of characters to appear, the types of scenes, heck even give me a full-on description of what you'd like to see. Right now Warforged and Teifling-styled characters are in the lead with hobgoblin bringing up the rear. The power is in your hands!

Here are the first couple of concepts we're discussing in Discord: Credits Question

I received a question from one of you that I wanted to repeat in case any others had the same question.

What are the Credits that came with my pledge and how do I use them?
I wanted to give everyone more than just the standard book and PDF. I wanted to also include access to a digital platform. These credits give you free access.

You get access to everything I've made, not only the material you bought. We're sitting at 400+ (subclasses, monsters, feats, spells, etc.) pieces of content at present with it growing every week! There are search and filter tools, a leveling and profile system, achievements, comments, likes, and a roadmap you can vote on. My team and I have busted our butts to give you some killer tools that keep getting better.

The coolest parts are what's coming up next, which aims to expand your options between game sessions, implement a store for DM use in-game with magic items (with prices) and equipment, and explore other ways to improve your experience.

There's a lot of content that's free. I'd love to give it all away, but running this site between the low-code platform, databases, authentication system, automatic email notifications, etc. is a surprisingly large drain when all these little services get added together. If I can break even, that would be groovy.

I'm not legally allowed to sign you up for a subscription, as it runs through stripe for the backend, so to use your credits you have to opt in if you're interested.

If you're trying to maximize your credits, this is what I'd recommend:
  1. Login to your account at
  2. Your gold pieces (credits, but come on, it's a D&D system, so it's definitely gp) will already be in your account
  3. Generate a coupon for the tier that you want (I'd recommend the founder tier as it will effectively double how many credits you have, but you have to do it asap, as it ends on 11/4 or when the last 19 spots get used)
  4.  Grap the code that was sent to your email. It should look similar to this:
  5. Grab the founder tier
  6. Add your promotion code that you retrieved from your email and the discount will be applied. Depending on what tier you backed, the founder tier might give you enough credits for a year or more of free access to everything.
  7. Enjoy access to everything and all the killer functionality we'll be coming out with. Don't forget you can help steer this ship if desired and request features be added to the roadmap

Once you've chosen a tier, it will automatically use your credits to apply coupons to future subscriptions, making this a one-and-done activity. 

I'm working on ways to improve this initial workflow, but things like laws are really making it complicated to give away stuff to you.


Refresher, there's a timeline on the campaign page:

The Awakened Mind PDF went out on October 31st, and we're now into the November action items. I'll be sending out the survey link, digital products that are completed, and access to the WIP Master Manuscript this month. Here's a quick preview of the layout I've been hammering away at:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Lots of awesome material headed out!

Talk soon,
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