7 months ago

Project Update: Closing Project Dastan Campaign early and what the next steps are.

Hey friends, an update on Project Dastan:

After much deliberation w/ the team, w/ Moonbeam, & our creative partners/supporters, I have come to an important decision.

We are going to close the campaign on Project Dastan for now.

First and foremost, thank you for all the support and encouragement that you have given to us and to the Project. We would not have gotten this far without you! I'm genuinely glad to have had the opportunity to even begin such an ambitious project, and it was your cheers that pushed me and the team forward to start this!

Second, this is not the end. This being our first ever crowdfunding launch, we learned a lot in a very short period of time. To give you a timeline, the idea for Project Dastan came about in mid May, with the talks for launching a Backerkit Campaign close to the end of it. We put together a viable campaign, talked to vendors, creators, and companies for official support in nearly a 6 week timespan, which is unheard of. Most projects have a ramp up time of at a MINIMUM of 3 months, if not much more. To see what we pulled off in such a short period of time brings me so much hope and joy! 

However, it wasn't enough. Over my weekend at Gen Con, I was able to talk to many individuals who had backed the campaign, or who wanted to back it, and learned a lot from our discussion. There seemed to have been an issue with clarity on what the campaign was exactly about, what we planned to deliver, and what those who pledged actually got out of it in the end. 

So, to avoid causing any mishaps or failing in our goals, we want to take what we learned, especially on where we could do better, sit with crowdfunding professionals, and map a path to putting together a more well oiled campaign in the future. 

I must highlight, this is not the end of Project Dastan. We WILL be coming back again, better than ever. It's not a matter of if, but when.

So, thank you once again for placing your faith in us, and I truly hope we will have you onboard when we properly launch in the future.

KP and the Project Dastan team.




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