Amanda Hughes
2 months ago

Project Update: YOU are at the top of my acknowledgements.

Dear Mystic Storyteller Backer,

Mandy here! I'm thrilled to announce that I've just received the finished first draft of Mystic Storyteller: A Writer's Guide to Using the Tarot for Creative Inspiration!

I'll be spending the next few days reading through and catching last-minute edits before Stacey sends the book to print. In the meantime, I wanted to share how grateful I am for the support of everyone who rallied to help bring this book and tarot deck to life.

A selection of MYSTIC STORYTELLER TAROT cards with the word "Gratitude" centered.

The following is a preview of my Mystic Storyteller Acknowledgements, and as you will see, YOU, my dear Backer, are at the very top of my list. I appreciate your support more than I can express.

Additionally, in the spirit of giving back and celebrating the work of my fellow creatives and peers, I've added links where you can explore their work, if you so choose.

Mystic Storyteller Acknowledgements

All books start out as ideas, and most end up with one or two names on their covers, but the reality of bringing a book to shelves, hands, and hearts depends on a team of dedicated supporters. Mystic Storyteller would not have been possible without several Muggles and magickal folk.

My highest gratitude and deepest bow goes to my Backers. Your support is an honor, and I sincerely hope this book and cards inspire stories that enrich your life and the lives of others as you have so graciously done for mine.

To Shederal, the love of my life and my favorite Emperor, thank you for your listening ear and pointed feedback while I was crafting this book. Your unbiased nature and unconditional love and support not only make me a better writer but a much better person. Thank you, also, for changing the way I think about The Emperor, because before your warmup suit and sneakers, he felt like a stodgy old curmudgeon.

To Jalan and Devan, my Knights of Cups and Pentacles, you are my best work and my favorite gifts. I’ll never create anything as beautiful and meaningful as you, but with your love and support, I’ll never stop trying.

To Stacie, my Six of Pentacles, my closest friend and Sister, thank you for patiently and genuinely listening to me while I used our dinner tables and road trips as whiteboards for piecing together this book. Like your card, you are generous with your time and resources, and none of my books could have been written without you.

To Grisel, my Six of Wands, my editor and cherished Sister, you walked into my life the most incredible, magickal gift. Your fiery determination and spirit have ignited my world in ways I never imagined before the day we met. Thank you for lighting the path for this book and tarot deck to find their way.

To Stacey, our Queen of Wands, your work provided me exactly what I pray this book and these gorgeous cards do for others: a calling to create fearless, authentic stories that change hearts and minds. I am indebted to the Universe for its synchronous magick in crossing our paths.

To Shannon, our Queen of Pentacles, I’m grateful every day to have found your work. Your wisdom and insight nourished my soul while drafting this book, and I’m incredibly lucky to call you my friend.

To Weslyn, our Death Rider, and Roz, our illustrator, thank you both for your keen eyes and hands, along with your imbuing the Mystic Storyteller project with the highest intentions for creative transformation and abundance.

Enormous gratitude goes to Theresa Reed. Your words and chill energy were most instructive and appreciated while writing this book. And that you read and reviewed it? Wow! I’m honored and humbled. Thank you for making the tarot accessible in a way that resonates in every ‘hood and on any street.

Many special thanks go to my Sisters, friends, peers, and fans who supported me during the writing and publishing of Mystic Storyteller: Maria, C-Mac, Debbie, Erika, Nancy, Thomas, Sonja, Mandi, Jillian, Lisa, Christiana, Connie, Mimi, Victoria, Cyndera, and many, many more.

And, finally, to Pixie, Pamela Colman Smith, for her tremendous contribution to tarot, and to Pinkie Perideaux, my very own High Priestess who brought her work to my imagination. Thank you.


Stay tuned for printing and shipping updates coming soon!!!

All my best,

Amanda Hughes
[email protected]





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