Leyline Press
4 months ago

Project Update: Happy Mech Monday! New Community Designed Gatecrasher Mechs.

Happy Mech Monday!

Thankyou to everyone who entered a Gatecrasher Mech Pattern this week. It was another fantastic round of submissions.

Our favourite was the Retiarius Terebro Mech by blk_ivy, it's a strong industrial build, with a classics inspired name we loved, and was designed only using the free Salvage Union Quickstart showing what you can do even with a limited amount of hardware, congratulations to blk_ivy who wins a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set. 

Originally designed around heavy mining and resource capture, the Terebro is a pneumatic impact driver, designed to use a heavy modular mining rig, capable of activating in short drives as a saw, or in a more longwinded format, capable of impact drilling. Either way, the real star is when the system's heat limiters are overridden- a sudden explosion of massive drilling power slammed into a single point, resulting in massive hemorrhaging on mech-scale systems.

In order to prevent overheating, a similarly scaled cooling system has been installed, allowing for the use of active thermal cooling- although this drains batteries, it allows for quick recouperation. However, due to the overwhelmingly resource-management oriented design, this chassis framework is incredibly heavy and has virtually no space for any other form of ranged weaponry, nor even the most basic of hacking tech- this isn't a combat frame afterall, it's a resource capture system. And exceedingly effective when it's up close.

You can view all of the Mech Monday submissions compiled here: https://leyline.press/blogs/leyline-press-blog/mech-monday-community-designed-gatecrasher-mechs

Thanks and happy salvaging!
Panny & Aled
Leyline Press




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