Latest from the Creator
HI. I added Printed books as an Add on (2 of them). Any word on when these will be fulfilled? Thanks! Ron
Project Update: Shipping Begins!
We are happy to announce Yakuza Streets and our other Massive Battlemap book have arrived at our installation, and we are very pleased with the final quality.
Shipping charges will be made this Sunday. There is only a slight variation of a couple of euros due to the unpredictable shipping fees. This coming Monday we will commence fulfillment.
Thanks again for backing the project!
Kind regards,
Lion Banner Games
I got a mail from DTRPG that I could redeem the digital maps but the shopping cart stays empty when I click on the link and try to redeem. Does anyone else have this problem or know what to do about it?
Project Update: Project Update: Digital Files + Printing
Hi everyone, hope you are well!
We are happy to announce the forwarding of all the digital content to backers, including VTT Roll20 and FoundryVTT map modules. The codes have been sent via BackerKit digital downloads, and you should have received a notification. If not, please send us an email to [email protected]
Printing of the Massive Battle Map Books begins on Monday. As mentioned, we will charge transport fees one week before the book shipment.
Thanks again, Backers, for your generous support; we fully appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Richard Carroll
Lion Banner Games
Lion Banner Games
Project Update: Pledge Manager Open! ⚡⚡
Hi everyone,
As you know, the Pledge Manager is open for you to add any last add-ons. It will be open for one week, until Monday the 3rd of June. For people who have not backed the project, the preorder shop is open for a short period. Pre-Order Shop:
🛠We are already working with our printer preparing the files to get the books printed ASAP and will keep you informed of the progress.
📦As mentioned, we will charge the shipping fees a week or so before we begin to ship to backers.
Thank you sincerely for backing the project 🙏. We cannot wait to get these massive books out to you!
Here is a sneak peek of the Yakuza Streets battlemaps.
Kind Regards,
Lion Banner Games