14 days ago

Project Update: Stretchgoal #2 Unlocked!

Yay, I'm so excited we unlocked the second stretchgoal, we have unlocked the Hummingbird Moth Dragon Enamel Pin!

There are a few new updates with this unlock:

Here is the reveal of the last enamel pin design, it's the Madagascar Moth Dragon enamel pin! This pin will have rainbow pearl wings. I'm not 100% finalized on the design yet but I will update with the final pin designs as soon as they are completed.

Now that we are at 7k, I've added even more pledge options

Feel free to adjust your pledges if you would like to. I also added the tip jar option as an add-on, if you'd like to support this project more than just your physical rewards!

Last, I loosely sketched up ideas for the next two moth dragon plushies - let me know what you think! I'll be refining these before I send them off to my factory for samples.

Next stretchgoal is the Rosy Maple Dragonpillar~ I'm excited to get all the little baby plushies funded!
Unlock Rosy Maple Dragonpillar Plushie
Goal: $8,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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