Loke Battle Mats
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: First Look at the Dungeon Doors Sample!

As we promised last week here is a first look at the sample box of Dungeon Doors.

This is a video update of our first "digital" sample. This is essentially hand made to make sure all the artwork and templates create the required finish, We're really pleased with how the doors came out!

In fact we're so pleased that I'm sure they'll be more videos and photos of lovely doors coming out in the next few updates.

We are going to make a couple of tweaks then we can green light the Mass Manufacture!

In case you don't watch the video the tweaks are we are adding a clear "lid" to the insert which holds the doors so they stay secure during shipping, and we are adding a note to the box as the doors will have a protective film on which can be removed before use. The film is slightly opaque so if you're wondering why the standees and bases aren't all completely clear its because they still have the protective film on.

Let us know what you think!

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats

And Finally
Our friends at Cawood have their new Monsters of the Dungeon: Brave the Darkness campaign live now, you can find out more about here - http://kck.st/3LpI0gp http://kck.st/3LpI0gp 

Any we have our new campaign - Immersive Dungeons - Digital maps for Discerning Game Masters will be launching in June. So if you'd like hundreds of ready to roll massive maps, tiles to create your own layouts and tokens to furnish them with then you might want to check it out! 






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