Tam Henderson
9 months ago

Project Update: The pledge manager is coming!

Happy news! 

We are now far enough along that we are able to send out the pledge manager survey. This is where we'll collect your address and charge shipping and tax (inc VAT for our backers in the UK & EU).

The survey will first be sent out to about 5% of backers to check everything is working as it should, and then we'll be able to send it out to all backers.

Shipping costs remain challenging for the last mile. We have worked hard with our partners to secure the best possible rates which are in line with our estimates on the campaign page, but shipping remains a big challenge to keep prices down.

The digital content is not ready at this stage I am afraid. We are still writing and playtesting these, so we will make sure these are fulfilled to you by September (we will be using DrivethruRPG and Roll20 depending on your pledge level) and we will send the links out using Backerkit's digital fulfilment tab in your survey. Of course we will update you when the digital rewards are released.

As always if you have any queries please reach out either here or to me (store at lokeltd dot co dot uk).

Matt & Tam
Loke Battle Mats





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