Creators You Might Like
These are creators that you might be interested because you are interested in Big Red One at Bloody Omaha – 2 books, 2 posters & solo / 2-player game by Lombardy Studios .
Cephalofair Games
109,069 FollowersGloomhaven Grand Festival
We invite you to join the celebration and check out the latest in the city of Gloomhaven. From Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs, Gloomhaven: The Role Playing Game, Miniatures of Gloomhaven, Gloomhaven: Second Edition and more, there is something for everyone.
$5,053,380 🎉of $2,000,00034,691backers
Dynamite Entertainment
27,581 FollowersMONTY PYTHON and the HOLY GRAIL board game
Beware of flying cows & the unstoppable Black Knight, this is the officially licensed quest for the Holy Grail!
$342,895 🎉of $50,0005,682backers
Asmadi Games - Chris
17,952 FollowersOne Deck Dungeon: Relics of the Forge
Our Golden Geek Award-nominated solo/co-op roguelike dungeon crawler is back with the new stand-alone Relics of the Forge expansion. We've also built The Vault: a collector's box set containing all the One Deck Dungeon content ever!
$274,790 🎉of $50,0003,661backers
Justin D. Jacobson (Board Game Necromancer)
46,197 Followers$2,052,918 🎉of $400,00017,068backers
Steve Jackson Games
36,936 FollowersOgre Miniatures Set 4
Ogre Miniatures Set 4 is the fourth and final wave of Ogre minis. Set 4 includes over 80 high-quality plastic miniatures.
$87,071 🎉of $5,0001,091backers
Asmadi Games - Chris
17,952 FollowersInnovation Ultimate
Carl Chudyk's Innovation, turned up to 11! A full box set that adds Age 11 cards to each set, a whole new expansion (The Unseen), with new streamlined expansion rules to get more of the hundreds of exciting cards to your table!
$252,293 🎉of $30,0003,591backers
Steve Jackson Games
36,936 FollowersMunchkin Big Box
Dive into 25 years of chaos and monster-slaying, all in one gigantic box, the Munchkin Big Box! Kill the monsters, betray your buddies, and hoard the treasures like never before.
$1,313,127 🎉of $75,0009,197backers
Atlas Games
23,580 FollowersArs Magica Definitive Edition
Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
$841,123 🎉of $15,0005,046backers
Wehrlegig Games
12,803 FollowersMolly House
From designers Jo Kelly and Cole Wehrle comes a game of queer joy and betrayal in 18th century London. Experience this immersive historical board game from the creators behind Pax Pamir and John Company.
$288,250 🎉of $50,0003,569backers
Two Little Mice
12,581 FollowersOutgunned Adventure
The Cinematic Action RPG Outgunned is BACK! Here's your chance to grab all the original books, and the new standalone genre book Outgunned Adventure.
€482,202 🎉of €10,0003,490backers
Asmadi Games - Chris
17,952 FollowersAegean Sea
Carl Chudyk's latest card game - use your clever strategy to guide one of five ancient peoples to prosperity through asymmetric competition. Each island's unique ability can help you to build ships, grow populace, establish temples, transport goods, or find new islands, all to enrich your home island. The richest home island wins!
$44,751 🎉of $10,0001,312backers
Green Ronin Publishing
25,805 FollowersThe Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition
A new edition of The Expanse Roleplaying Game with expanded rules that focuses on the 30-year span between the novels Babylon’s Ashes and Persepolis Rising. The campaign also includes 3 supplements, dice, accessories, and for the first time, miniatures!
$360,727 🎉of $50,0002,364backers
MCDM Productions
63,887 FollowersThe MCDM RPG: Draw Steel
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
$4,600,520 🎉of $800,00030,177backers
Tuesday Knight Games
31,640 FollowersMothership: WAGES OF SIN
A hardcover toolkit for building your own bounty hunting campaign in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
$483,428 🎉of $50,0006,018backers
IV Studio
34,403 FollowersMoonrollers + Darkmatter: A Moonrakers Double Feature
🚀 The Moonrakers universe is expanding. 🌑 Dark Matter is a mini-expansion that introduces a new gameplay mechanic. 🎲 Moonrollers is an entirely new standalone push-your-luck dice game full of familiar faces and themes.
$614,059 🎉of $25,0007,526backers
Charles Ryan
56,160 FollowersOld Gods of Appalachia: Deeper Still
Take your Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game adventures to deeper, creepier, and more atmospheric places with three new supplements plus useful and immersive extras. And if you're new to the game, this is a great place to start!
$803,832 🎉of $100,0005,211backers
Greater Than Games
57,778 FollowersSpirit Island: Nature Incarnate
The next expansion of the award winning settler destruction game, Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate brings the fight to the Invaders with new spirits, mechanics, and more.
$1,199,947 🎉of $40,00011,895backers
Monte Cook Games
41,492 FollowersAdventures in the Cypher System
The Cypher System is about to become your new favorite TTRPG. With a new Starter Set, a DELUXE Cypher System Rulebook, and two striking new genre books, this campaign has something for everyone—new fans and Cypher System veterans alike!
$711,366 🎉of $50,0004,559backers
Goodman Games
31,284 FollowersCaverns of Thracia Legendary Adventure 5E+DCC
A mega-dungeon that supports a full-year campaign. A legendary adventure considered by many to be one of the greatest of all time! Explore a thousand-year-old dungeon mystery waiting to be solved...
$654,928 🎉of $10,0005,231backers
Charles Ryan
56,160 FollowersThe Darkest Woods
A mega-adventure of primal horrors, mythic witches, and our deepest, most ancient fears that will push characters to their limits and force them to confront truths about themselves, forever changing them. Compatible with all campaigns and RPG systems!
$305,125 🎉of $50,0002,025backers
Shadowlands Games
12,670 FollowersScions of the Dark Goddess - A new modern era Call of Cthulhu campaign
Scions of the Dark Goddess is a modern era campaign for Call of Cthulhu 7E (seal of Chaosium). Uncover a conspiracy that adapts the cycle of the Black Goat with a Thousand Young Mythos with hot topics like bioengineering, social media and more!
€239,249 🎉of €9,0002,585backers
Two Little Mice
12,581 FollowersMemento Mori - A Roleplaying Game of Dreams and Corruption
Memento Mori is a role-playing game in which Players take the role of Drifters, people sick with the plague who, despite their condition and the terrible reality of Medieval Europe, are determined to fulfill their Dream.
€214,062 🎉of €10,0001,630backers
Evil Hat Productions
39,315 FollowersDeathmatch Island
Deathmatch Island is a fast-paced game about a deadly gameshow on a mysterious island chain.
$161,870 🎉of $30,0003,111backers
Monte Cook Games
41,492 FollowersInvisible Sun: Return of the Black Cube
The amazing Invisible Sun Black Cube—one of the most astonishing and sought-after RPGs ever—is coming back into print!
$665,980 🎉of $100,0002,522backers
Leder Games
42,047 FollowersIt's a WHALE of an Expansion - Ahoy: New Horizons!
The sea is vast, and there’s always more to discover beyond the horizon. New factions, treasure, and creatures fill the waters in this expansion for Ahoy!
$234,727 🎉of $50,0003,619backers