Pact Patron

By pledging at this tier, you'll get a chance to have me make something custom for you that will be included in the book! This can be a new boon, blessing, charm, or pact, and it will also be included as a card in the reference deck box set. I can only offer a very limited number of this tier due to the time it takes to handle these custom pieces of content, but it's something I greatly enjoy doing with every campaign so thank you in advance for your pledge!

This tier also comes with every physical reward offered with a pledge tier, and allows you to purchase any add-ons you like as well.

The rewards included with this tier are:
  • PDF + Hardcover copy of Tome of Intangible Treasures
  • Mysteries of Magic sharp-edged resin dice set
  • Reference card box set
  • Tome of Intangible Treasures Art Print
  • Name in the book as a Pact Patron!
  • Custom boon, blessing, charm, or pact designed by me for you!

 📦 Shipping and VAT will be charged after the campaign ends via the pledge manager

Pact Patron


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