Magic Quest Media
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Production is rolling!

What's up ghouls! Happy new year to those believe in time!

Just giving a quick production update. We are starting to receive our raw materials and toss them into the cauldron! Orders for Long Sleeve and T shirts are going out, we're very stoked to be working with King Volume and BogLung on this run of shirts! We have also acquired a 3d printer and are scheming up ways to use it (beyond making figures for our personal tabletop campaigns). We're looking into making cartridge inserts for cassette jewel cases! This will likely be used on future projects, but sound off below if you would be interested in grabbing a Ghoul Thrasher cassette case with a printed J-card as an add on! I'm working on the design for the card anyway!

It would also be rad to 3d print some kind of GT figure or sculpture, but we're not master sculptors or 3d modelers yet, so reach out if you have an interest in working with us on that!

Our early March order fulfillment goal maaaaaay be a bit ambitious, I think production of the comic and having to wait for some carts coming from overseas might make us push it back a bit, but we will keep y'all posted!

Thanks as always for undying support.
Yours in Sorrow and Satisfaction,
Magic Quest Media






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