Magnetic Press
about 1 year ago

Project Update: SHIPPING HAS BEGUN! Watch for tracking notification this week.

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend -- we were hoping to have confirmation from the warehouse on Friday so that we could have posted this sooner, but they didn't get back to us until just this morning. Fortunately its good news -- !

Packages started shipping on Saturday!

They (the warehouse team) are fully aware of everyone's expectations and the urgency we've been drumming into them for the past several weeks, and with the pressure rising, they called in staff to work the weekend. We're grateful for them for making that call, and grateful for your support and patience as this special project wraps up. None of us expected this to take as long as it has.

I'm now waiting for some confirmation or access to the individual order status/data so that we can answer any order-specific questions. Some of you may have already received notification emails with tracking numbers -- keep an eye out for an email from "Magnetic Press LLC ([email protected] via". Since most of these were packed over the weekend, the courier service and post office may not have updated the tracking status yet... but they are indeed moving! Barring any other factors outside our control, you should hopefully have your items in hand by the end of this week.

Again, we greatly appreciate your patience. Out of 30 successful campaigns to date over the last 10 years, we've only run into 3 situations where circumstances beyond our control caused a significant delay in fulfillment like this. In this particular case, we're shipping 2.5 months later than expected -- in comparison with the majority of Kickstarter/crowdfunding campaigns, that still puts us in the top 10% of project delivery. 😉 We'd like to be on time (or even early, if ever possible) with every project, but unexpected things happen, and we can only ask for your grace and patience while we work through those snags to the best of our ability. We understand if this unfortunate turn of events has you thinking twice before backing another of our projects, but please know that we learn from each challenge and improve with each lesson. According to Backerkit's data, we have "a total of 19,975 passionate fans from 34 crowdfunding projects," with over 60% of those individuals having backed more than one campaign. (There are quite a few truly passionate supporters who have backed a dozen or more...!) Those repeat backers can attest to our earnestness and desire to deliver on promises to the best of our ability. 😊

A few of you have requested refunds/cancelations in the comments -- if we are still able to catch your package before it goes out, we can accommodate you. If it has already left the warehouse floor, however, there's not much we or they can do to recall it. If you are adamant about such a request, please email us at [email protected] as soon as you can and we'll see if it is not too late.

Thanks again, everyone. This has been quite a roller coaster, but we're excited to (finally) get these beautiful (and exclusive) slipcases in your hands! 😊

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