Latest from the Creator
Martyn Poole
8 days ago
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks for joining me I know this isn't a traditional crowdfunding project but I am so pleased so many people have pledged which in turn will help so many families. Have a great weekend! See you Monday with more updates on the charities chosen by the supporting partners
Martyn Poole
12 days ago
DAY 1- Thanks for everyone who is joining us.
Hey everyone,    Thanks for reading this and joining me for a journey across The Big Sea. My name is Martyn and I wanted to give you a quick overview of why this campaign, what it is and maybe show you the human side of creators like me.    The Big Sea came about after a cance...
5 days ago

Project Update: Happy Monday- Final Frontier Games- SOS Children's Village


I hope you all had a great weekend and got some much deserved rest. Today our partner is Final Frontier Games.

Final Frontier Games have chosen SOS Children's Village to be the recipient for funds they are donating.


SOS Children’s Villages is the world’s largest organization focused on ensuring that children and young people without parental care or at risk of losing it grow up with the care, relationships and support they need to become their strongest selves.

A huge thanks to Final Frontier for helping raise awareness on something so important. 




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2 days ago

Project Update: Chip Theory Games- The Brain Tumour Charity

Hey all, Sorry I have been quiet the last few days, i got taken out by some strange cold/bug.

Today our friends at Chip Theory Games wanted to tell you about the charity they have selected.

The Brain Tumour Charity

We chose this charity as we have some close friends who have been affected by some devastating tumours. Adam Carlson’s childhood best friend from school, Justin, sadly had a brain tumour and passed away at 33 leaving behind a wife and young daughter. Andrew Chesney’s former employer, Warlord Games’ co-owner just announced his own discovery of a very aggressive brain tumour. We would be honoured to donate money to this charity to help others navigate this news and learn what steps lie before them

So far a massive £3500 has been raised to be split across all charities, I really appreciate each and everyone of you who has made a difference.





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Hey everyone,
 Thanks for reading this and joining me for a journey across The Big Sea. My name is Martyn and I wanted to give you a quick overview of why this campaign, what it is and maybe show you the human side of creators like me.
 The Big Sea came about after a cancer scare I had in 2021 and in to 2022, I had a large lump appear on my arm and the doctors, hospital and other medical staff were concerned as it has all the characteristics of a rare vascular cancer. I had to wait several months to have it removed and sent off for tests, this was the scariest time of my life and it really got me thinking.

The Lump which grew fairly large

I am fine now, thankfully but after losing a grandparent to ‘The Big C’ and her not really talking about her experience and me doing the same, it got me thinking and I wanted to create an aid or tool that families could use to open up and create discussions around topics like this.

With the help of Peter from The Story Engine and the artist The Mico, what you see today is that, a book which (I HOPE) will help many families.
Since late 2016 I have worked in the boardgame industry and I am so happy 15 publishers or so have come on board and said they will donate money to a charity close to them for every book sold, So until we reach 1000 books, £10 per book sold will be split and donated to various Charites.  

Thanks for reading and I am here to answer any questions you may have :)
user avatar image for Martyn Poole




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9 days ago

Project Update: Day 3- Charity and PDF

Hey Everyone, we are at about £2700 raised for Charites and I have just added a PDF copy of the book to buy as some people have asked for :). These will still count towards the charity effort too :)

Todays charity is the AARC- Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre. Our amazing friends have not only pledged to donate funds to this charity but also send them games too! This is what they had to say-

'We are inspired to help create safe spaces for young people in recovery. We believe in what the AARC does and will be sending them games in addition to our donation to contribute to that environment'

What awesome folks they are over at Roxley





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11 days ago

Project Update: Funded and first charity spotlight - Macmillan Cancer Support & DICE THRONE

Hey everyone, Thanks for joining us here! WE HAVE FUNDED IN 16 MINUTES!!

Throughout this campaign we will be spotlighting a charity and the creator that has decided to donate to that.

Today is the turn of our friends at DICE THRONE who have chosen to donate to Macmillan Cancer Support, They chose this charity as its one close to their hearts and one that matches the projects message and goal. For every book sold the folks over at Dice Throne will donate funds to help Macmillan in their mission you can find out more about Macmillian HERE.

Thanks to the folks at DICE THRONE too! 





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