Maybels Art
15 days ago

Project Update: Survey Facts so far

Hello everyone! Thank you all for the quick response on the survey! We're currently sat at 79% replied, which is great! Puts us on track to be able to order when the funds come in :>

For those of you who've back with me before, you know i love pie charts! So let's have a look at the stats for orders so far :3

From the large pins, 3rd impact Rei is the most popular! And Rei is the most popular from the regular pins. Rei also wins top pin overall (valid she's the best girl) Followed by Asuka + 3rd Impact Rei!

I'm really please how many of you have picked up Shin Unit 01! For those of you that don't know, Shin Unit is from a pachinko machine that is Japan exclusive, hah! It features shin Godzilla and a shin gidhorah! Since both were made by Anno. There's A little, little but of footage out there on YouTube if you're interested and also some art in the art books as well! It's really cool.

For the Add-ons

57% of you have grabbed add-ons! (thank you so much!) And here are the stats so far. The sticker sheet is the most popular, which is cool! I never really do stickers because i find they never sell afterwards? But i love buying them, so ill do them more i think. 
Just behind the stickers is the Liquid Asuka Charm! I'm really excited to get these made, he-he. Depending on where funds are at when the money comes in, i will probably unlock the Liquid Rei Charm as well! 

I've also attached a poll to see if there's enough interest for either Shinji or kaworu liquid charms. I didn't do them initially as i wasn't sure 
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