Leia Barrett
3 months ago

Project Update: VIP (Very Important Pawliday) Announcement- PLEASE READ

Greetings everyone!

I hope you're all having a wonderful week! I'll do my best to keep this brief. :)

Announcement #1- We're happy with the proof!
Melinda Martin (the Publishing Consultant/Art Editor/Mama Bear for The Odd Dog) and I have both held copies of The Odd Dog in our hands, and after many tiny revisions, we're moving forward with the printing! Here's a quick video Melinda did showing off her proof and talking about some of our design decisions. Enjoy!

Announcement #2- Here's the bad news. The books won't be available by the holidays. 


Announcement #3- Here's the good news. I've decided to give ALL backers who have ordered a physical book a special Pawliday bundle. This is no charge to you, and I think it's pretty awesome.

Here's what the Pawliday bundle includes:
  • A holiday letter from Odd the Dog announcing the book is coming (Personalized if reserved by December 1st; see below to learn how)
  • A gift certificate for $10 at The Odd Dog Shop
  • A limited edition sticker sheet (plus a glitter sticker)
  • A bookmark with a QR for the eBook version
The book will be shipped along with any add-ons as promised when ready.

To get the Pawliday Bundle, simple register for it here: https://form.jotform.com/243162590929160

Here are a few FAQs I anticipate:
1) Can I list multiple people on the same letter? YES! If you're planning to give the book to your three grandchildren and want to address the letter to them, simply list the names with a comma between each one.

2) How many letters do I get for my pledge? You get one pawliday packet PER BOOK. So-- if you have two books in your pledge, you can get two pawliday letters; I recommend filling the form out twice if you want two separate packages.

3) This is so awesome-- can I order more?  Definitely! If you'd like to order additional sets, use this form: https://form.jotform.com/243126927176158

4) When should I order? If you want it personalized, the sooner the better. I'm planning to mail these out after December 1st to make sure they're received well ahead of the holidays.

As always, reply in the comments if you have any questions.

Thank you, as always, for your incredible support and understanding!


Leia B





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