Friday Strout
3 months ago

Project Update: November Update!

Hey y'all! I apologize for the long wait in updating. I've had a lot going on in my life but things are progressing well. Here's our check in for GMROM:

  • About 50% finished!
  • Per the vision of our Art Director, we are working with a very large and diverse team, which means that organizing everything takes longer!
  • We have a large variety of different styles being presented in the book intentionally.

Something gay is happening in this lab

art credit: Emory Kjelsburg (he/him)

  • Our Romance System (tracking, dating, dispute, serenade, intimacy) is 80% finished with 4 of our designers having turned in their drafts. Sensitivity/cultural checks and then editing are our next steps.
  • Essayists have begun their process of writing!
  • Additional "splat" content will be drafted soon. (NPCs, date locations/ideas, gifts, conversation/dialogue.)

Additional Add-Ons
  • Backers who chose the Art Deco Card add-on with their pledge are currently being worked on. If you have not responded to our email about this, please reach out and we'll get you sorted.
  • Letters From A Romantic backers please reach out via email so we can get you sorted! Drafting these will begin soon and we want you to receive your reward.

art credit: Savanna Mayer (they/them)

New timeline
Due to some chaos on our backend and the overall state of the world, we are expecting that our timeline might be pushed slightly later than first anticipated. I had initially estimated that we would be finished with production by the end of December, but now it is looking more like February for post-production. From there Metal Weave Games will begin layout and pushing our book to printer in the Spring of 2025, if not sooner. Digital fulfillment will occur before printing. Again, I apologize for the delay.

All that being said: thank you for supporting our project and we are looking forward to delivering a quality resource for GMs everywhere.

Want to support the project?
We'd love to ship you this wonderful project soon. Please support queer art with a pre-order of How To GM Romance today. It's not too late!
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