Pledge Levels
Back this project by selecting a pledge level
Add-Ons Only
0 Backers
For if you only want (1 or more) add-ons, and not the other reward tiers, to still support this new project via previously-released designs.
Emotional Support
0 Backers
This tier doesn't come with a physical reward, just my ( and our cats') immense gratitude!
Light Blue Jellinom
10 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the light blue jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 3 color printing!
Pink Jellinom
11 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the pink jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 4 color printing!
Green Jellinom
13 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the green jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 3 color printing!
Red Jellinom
14 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the red jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 4 color printing!
Orange Jellinom
9 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the orange jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 4 color printing featuring a glow in the dark face!
Light Purple Jellinom
14 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the light purple jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, and 4 color printing!
Demon Skull Jellinom
3 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the demon skull jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel with glitter, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 4 color printing featuring a glow in the dark face!
HOLO Demon Skull Jellinom
7 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the HOLOGRAPHIC GLITTER demon skull jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel with glitter, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 4 color printing featuring a glow in the dark face!
Cat Skull Jellinom
12 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the cat skull jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel with glitter, anodized metal, epoxy coating, and 3 color printing.
Grape Jellinom
15 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the grape jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, anodized metal, and 3 color printing!
Slime Jellinom
12 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the slime jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 3 color printing featuring a glow in the dark face!
Blue Jellinom
15 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the blue jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 3 color printing!
Crème Flan
15 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the crème flan jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, and 5 color printing!
Strawberry Flan
15 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the strawberry flan jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, and 5 color printing!
Peach Jellinom
15 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the peach jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed metal, epoxy coating, and 4 color printing!
Zombie Jellinom
14 remaining
This tier is to specifically choose the zombie jellinom as your individual pledge! Translucent enamel, dyed neon metal, epoxy coating, and 5 color printing!
1 Gacha Spin
3 Backers
Mystery gacha spin to receive one of any of the unlocked jellies!
3 Gacha Spins
0 Backers
3 Gacha Spins to receive your jellies at random from any of the unlocked designs! For 3 and 5 spins, duplicates will be replaced automatically.
5 Gacha Spins
19 remaining
5 gacha spins to receive your jellies at random from any of the unlocked designs! For 3 and 5 spins, duplicates will be replaced automatically.
10 Gacha Spins
10 remaining
Receive 10 jellies at random from the unlocked designs! Duplicates will NOT be exchanged for non-dupes in this tier!
All 7 Base Goal Jellies!
2 remaining
All 7 base goal jellies! You can add anything onto this, including stretch goal jellies if met!
All 16 Unlocked Jellies!
1 remaining
All 16 "total goal" unlocked jellies right around gacha level pricing - no duplicates, exactly the jellies you want! Light Blue, Pink, Light Purple, Orange, Green, Red, Demon Skull, Holo Demon Skull, Cat Skull, Grape, Blue, Slime, Zombie, Peach, Créme Flan, and Strawberry Flan.
3 remaining
All 7 base goal jellies + holo demon skull! You can add anything onto this, including stretch goal jellies if met!
3 remaining
All 8 stretch goal 1 + 2 jellinoms! You can add anything onto this.
Custom Jellinom - Private Design
1 remaining
Your own jellinom colorway - just for you! You get 25 jellinoms of your concept.
Custom Jellinom - Gacha Design
1 remaining
Create a jellinom of your own - and share some of them with the backers! Half of the order will be added to the gacha pool, and backers may receive some in the random spins.