Build a campaign in the rainy alleyways and dizzying corporate networks of a cyberpunk metropolis. Then explore an old west haunted by creatures of horror—or roll into Sancara to stand between civilization and terror. This backer level expands your Cypher System bookshelf with all three titles we're creating: Neon Rain, High Noon at Midnight, and Gunslinger Knights—in both print and PDF!
(Don't forget: The Warrior pledge level gives you all of these books and expands them with the zines—and includes every additional book and product unlocked throughout this campaign. And Knight gives you all that plus amazing deluxe exclusives that make every Cypher System campaign easier to run—and cooler.)
📕 Neon Rain in print 📄 Neon Rain in PDF 📙 High Noon at Midnight in print 📄 High Noon at Midnight in PDF 📘 Gunslinger Knights in print 📄 Gunslinger Knights in PDF
You'll also get the complete 448-page Cypher System Rulebook in PDF—a $22 value. The Cypher System Rulebook is delivered early, so you can begin exploring the Cypher System right away!
Don't see a pledge level that has exactly what you want? No worries! Pick a pledge level that comes closest without including things you don't want. You'll be able to add additional items in the pledge manager after the campaign closes.
Product images are mockups and are subject to change.