Tammie Webb Ryan
11 months ago

Project Update: The Weird Deluxe Version Is Still in Production

Hello wonderful backers—

This is a small update to clear up confusion we caused when we sent out the last update and the most recent redemption email.

  • The Weird in PDF is fulfilling now; there is only one version of the PDF.
  • The Weird standard version in print is fulfilling now.
  • The Weird deluxe version (both the autographed and not autographed versions) is still in production and therefore not fulfilling now.

Those of you at these pledge levels, THE WEIRD DELUXE EDITION, BOOKS AND DECKS, and RETAILERS ONLY, get the deluxe version of The Weird, which is still being printed at this time.

Those of you at the GONZO pledge level get the deluxe, autographed version of The Weird, which is also still being printed at this time.

We are on track to deliver The Weird deluxe—both the autographed and not autographed versions—to backers in the coming weeks. We'll keep you informed.

We're sincerely sorry for the confusion we caused by not being clear in the update that the deluxe version is still in production and not fulfilling right now.

Team MCG




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