New Painiacs!
Have you guys checked the time lately? We just did and were shocked to learn its already WEEK THREE of this campaign.
Which means there are NINE DAYS left to...
New Pain Productions
8 days ago
Weekend update
New Painiacs!
This week, we've made some great progress towards the Daybreak! The Complete Series funding goal. We are approximately 80% funded, less than $800 away from mak...
New Pain Productions
12 days ago
By the Power Of Grayskull...
New Painiacs!
As the beginning of Week 3 approaches, we've made more progress towards our funding goal BUT...we're definitely in the mid-campaign lull, that dreaded time wh...
New Pain Productions
18 days ago
Week Two begins with a new add-on!
New Painiacs!
Week Two of the campaign for Daybreak! The Complete Series has officially begun. Thanks to our initial wave of backers, we are currently 60% funded! There are ...
New Pain Productions
22 days ago
Heading into the weekend
New Painiacs!
Daybreak! The Complete Series is headed into the weekend over 50% funded. The first few days of the campaign have been a great start but we still have some gr...
New Pain Productions
24 days ago
Update #1- How to ripple out
New Painiacs!
We're always trying to come up with new ways to get our projects in front of potential new backers. Facebook/Instagram/X etc are run by algorithms, be more accurate they're run by nerdy oligarchs that use algorithms to suppress posts that encourage use...
Have you guys checked the time lately? We just did and were shocked to learn its already WEEK THREE of this campaign.
Which means there are NINE DAYS left to reach our funding goal which, as these words are typed, is approximately $800 dollars away. Normally not a huge cause for concern; often the final days of a campaign bring with them a fresh wave of backers. Because this is our first campaign on Backerkit, however, we're not sure how things will trend as the clock winds down.
There are a lot of similarities between this platform and Kickstarter but there are also enough differences, especially in the size of each platform's pool of comic book readers, that we're a little more nervous than we might normally be. Maybe you guys could do us a favor though?
Tell your local comic book store about this campaign, we've got a discounted tier just for retail establishments. Or let a friend know about this great comic they haven't read yet, but you know they'll love. Or share one of our social media posts to your circle of online friends. Ask them to share it too. Every new set of eyes that becomes aware of this project is a good thing. We need as many as possible to check it out in these last nine days.
There are like 8.5 billion people in the world these days, right? We just need like 20 of them to fall in love with Daybreak! Rally caps on, troops. Let's make some noise!
The New Pain Crew
(And don't forget to also back The Defense #1 and get these three comics free!)
This week, we've made some great progress towards the Daybreak!The Complete Series funding goal. We are approximately 80% funded, less than $800 away from making this collected edition a reality! If you've been thinking of backing; if you've been thinking of telling a friend; if you've been thinking of adding something to your's a great time!
Ultimately, we'd like to overfund enough that we're able to add MORE content to the book.
There are still many great variant covers we don't have the room to include, plus the remastered 8-page back up story featuring everybody's favorite characters, Lester Loot and The Duke Of Doom, with art by everybody else's favorite character, RichStahnke. It's simple math: The more pages we add to the book, the higher the print cost but we've got our fingers crossed we'll be able to unlock the additional content and who knows...maybe even add some more surprises!
In other news, our sister campaign for THE DEFENSE #1 ( on Kickstarter is currently 98% funded. If you've already backed Daybreak! and also want to check The Defense out, don't forget: You'll receive threefree New Pain comics for backing both. Just leave the comment, "DEFENDING DAYBREAK" on either campaign page, we'll verify on our end and add the free books to your pledge.
There's a good chance we'll even throw in something special to the hero that puts the campaign over the top. Hint, hint...
As the beginning of Week 3 approaches, we've made more progress towards our funding goal BUT...we're definitely in the mid-campaign lull, that dreaded time where new backers are hard to find. Now's the best time to tell a friend, we need every possible new backer to make this project a reality.
To further the cause, we've included another new add-on to the Daybreak! campaign that fans of He-Man might find noteworthy.
Dark Horse has released the collected edition of MastersofTheUniverse: Revolution, inked by Daybreak! creator KeithChampagne. We've added FIVE COPIES to this campaign; each copy will be signed and will include a remarqued drawing of Skeletor by Champagne. Grabbing one for yourself is a great way to add something cool to your collection while also helping Daybreak! reach its funding goal.
Because we're kind of crazy, New Pain Pro is launching a second campaign sometime over the next 24 hours on Kickstarter.
THE DEFENSE is about an attorney that specializes in representing supervillains...but there's a lot more to it than that. If you're a fan of shows like BetterCallSaul but wish there were more psychopaths with superpowers involved, you'll love this new title. But wait, there's more!
Backers of BOTH campaigns will ALSO receive, absolutely free, copies of JUMP#1, UNCOVERED#1 and THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE NEW PAIN UNIVERSE #1. Same applies for digital backers, you'll receive the digital versions of these three awesome books. We call it the, "BACK BOTH BUNDLE" so by all means, baby get back!
You can sign up now to be notified when TheDefense#1 launches at And don't forget about those copies of MOTU: REVOLUTION.
Thanks for your support. Sorry to all you Chiefs fans out there this morning.
Week Two of the campaign for Daybreak! The Complete Series has officially begun. Thanks to our initial wave of backers, we are currently 60% funded! There are SO many projects crowdfunding on a variety of platforms, thanks to those of you that have believed in this project so far.
To help the campaign reach its funding goal, we've listed a new ADD-ON today available to both new and existing backers. If you navigate to the Add-Ons section, at the very top you'll see a new tier: "HEY KIDS! COMICS! (SIGNED)"
Adding this tier will add a comic book signed by Keith Champagne to your Daybreak! package. From Green Lantern to JSA, X-Men to Spider-Man, Stranger Things to The Bionic Man, Champagne has produced thousands of comics for almost every publisher. We'll choose a copy at random from our supplies, throw Keith a sharpie and BOOM! Instant signed comic.
BUT WAIT! There's more! Although we can't guarantee this, whenever possible we will also have your comic signed by additional members of the various creative teams. For instance, Keith will be seeing Doug Mahnke at the end of the month and will politely force Doug to sign copies of books they've worked on together for you. Same goes for any other creators we're going to see between now and the time this campaign fulfills.
Thanks for your support and tell your friends! Together, we are mighty.
We're always trying to come up with new ways to get our projects in front of potential new backers. Facebook/Instagram/X etc are run by algorithms, be more accurate they're run by nerdy oligarchs that use algorithms to suppress posts that encourage users to travel off platform.
Unless we pay to promote posts, which we often do. The flipside to that equation is those paid promotions can generate views but few translate into clicks and even less into pledges. In the 12 campaigns we've run, I believe only two new pledges have resulted from paid ads.
New Pain is lucky to have a squad of loyal backers, about 200 in total, that enjoy our books and consistently back several campaigns a year. One of our goals for 2025 is to double the size of that squad. Easier said than done, right?
Outside of social media, the most effective means we employ to communicate regularly with comic book readers is our Substack newsletter. Not only are the newsletters a low-key marketing tool but they're also fun for Keith to write and (hopefully) enjoyable for the subscribers to read. The big question though, is what other methods could we be using to attract new readers?
Have at it, group mind! We are wide open for your feedback and idea.