Paint Eater
12 months ago

Project Update: All Surveys Sent Out! + Pre-Order Store is OPEN :)

Hello fellow silly geese! Thank so much for your patience.

I’m happy to announce that surveys have been sent to everyone who pledged! 

So be sure to check your email and fill that out! It’s really important that you do, because it collects vital info like your shipping address, charges shipping costs, and also (in my opinion, the most fun part) you get to choose what keychain you would like!

Surveys close May 8th, so you will have lots of time to fill those out or adjust anything. 


Another EPIC announcement: 

THE PRE-ORDER STORE is open for anyone who did not pledge! :0

Were you unable to back the campaign? Not to worry! You will be able to pre-order any of the items unlocked during the campaign in the PRE-ORDER STORE! Yippee!

You can check it out here! This store also closes on May 8th. 

That’s about it for this update! Thanks for reading. Up next, I have a shipment of the bug candy shaker keychains on its way, and I can’t wait to show you! So, stay tuned for some positively radical photos of those samples!
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