Polyhedral Earth Society
2 months ago

Project Update: The campaign is over. What's next?

Hello Backers,

The campaign is a success and you are the reason! Hats off. With about 50% of our backers new to crowdfunding and Backerkit, we wanted to take a second and explain the process and cover the next steps.

Over the next 14 days, Backerkit via Stripe will try to withdraw the funds you pledged for the campaign. You should make sure your card information is entered in Backerkit successfully in order for this to happen.

From the Backerkit help page
If an individual charge fails/declines, backers are notified and can re-enter their card and we will attempt a charge. For those that don’t re-enter their card, we attempt charges at regular intervals (at Day 7 and Day 14). 

You should review the timeline section from the main project page to understand the dates and events that will take place. 

Here is a Summary

  1. Campaign Starts June 15th
  2. Campaign Ends on July 14th 
  3. All of the funds will be collected by July 28th
  4. The pledge manager will be sent out on July 29th
  5. Work starts on the backer-created NPC on July 29th
  6. The last day to fill out the pledge manager is August 17th
  7. Final proofs are sent to the printer by August 29th
  8. Expected ship date is  September 19th





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