Hello travellers!
I know many of you are curious about the status of The Bright Spot and I have good news! Even though I said that my second draft should be done by...
Alright travellers, The Bright Spot continues to look better and better.
On FEBRUARY 1, I'll be locking orders. You will not be able to make changes to your pledges afterward...
Redmatter Creations
about 1 month ago
More Preview Chapters and New Website
I've been hard at work on The Bright Spot, and I’m excited to share that I’ve finally got my website and domain up and running! There, you can find all the preview chapters I...
Redmatter Creations
about 1 month ago
Locking Orders and Addresses Soon!
Hey Backers and Followers!
It's been a while hasn't it?
I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.
The Bright Spot second draft is slowly but surely coming along. I don't have...
Redmatter Creations
3 months ago
Surveys have been sent + Book Update
Hello everyone!
All of the surveys have been sent to every backer. Check your email for anything from Redmatter Creations or Backerkit so you can loc...
Redmatter Creations
4 months ago
The Bright Spot Surveys and Digital Wallpapers
Hello Backers!
A quick(?) update for you all.
Surveys will be sent out soon. Be sure to check your email for any The Bright Spot links. You'll be redirected to Backer...
I know many of you are curious about the status of The Bright Spot and I have good news! Even though I said that my second draft should be done by February 1st, I assumed that I'd be copying and pasting the second half of the first draft with minor tweaks. Well, unfortunately, if you re-write one half of a novel, you need to re-write the other half too. Theoretically, it should have been possible, but it didn't work with the story I needed to tell, so onto rewriting.
Rewriting has been a very difficult process. I'm still trying to figure out my revision process, and so far, this seems to work for me—at least with this particular novel. In future novels, I'd like to try outlining fully before beginning to write.
Anyway, I know you want a percentage. Right now that's a difficult task because my novel doesn't seem like it's going to be the same length I'd imagined it to be. My first draft finished at almost exactly 80 thousand words (roughly 320 pages)
This draft is 70 thousand words, and there are still so many loose ends to tie up before I feel comfortable calling the book finished. Right now, I project draft 2 to have a total word count between 90 and 100 thousand words (400 pages). So maybe we are at about 70ish %. At the rate I'm writing, I guess it will be done by the end of March. But who knows?
Once it is finished, it will be sent to beta readers and an editor for revisions. I expect this process to take about two months, but I don't know for sure.
Possible sticker changes
Things may change with the sticker pack. A symbol I used in the first draft is not part of the second draft and will need to change. I have found an artist who's willing to do a couple of potential replacement designs. The image below is the one that may be changed. If you think I should leave it in, please send me an email at [email protected].
Preview Chapters
The first four preview chapters are now free for everyone to read on my website redmattercreations.com The fifth chapter is locked behind a password that ONLY YOU have.
Alright travellers, The Bright Spot continues to look better and better. On FEBRUARY 1, I'll be locking orders. You will not be able to make changes to your pledges afterward. If you do need something changed, please email me at [email protected]. You can still change and update your address all the way up until I start shipping. However, you won't be able to add on or update items.
Preview Chapter 4
Preview chapter 4 is ready for reading and listening! Chapter 3 is unlocked for everyone for free. Chapter 4 is locked to the public but you can read it early by using the password: Mattias4. All chapters can be found at redmattercreations.com
I've been hard at work on The Bright Spot, and I’m excited to share that I’ve finally got my website and domain up and running! There, you can find all the preview chapters I’ve released so far. The first two chapters are free for visitors, but the following chapters are password-protected. I’ll be dropping the passwords periodically here for my backers.
Please note that you’re receiving the chapters in DRAFT 2, not the FINAL DRAFT. Things are still subject to change.
Each chapter will also have an audio version available at the top of the page, so you can listen to the chapter if you prefer. I know some of you might not be into the idea, but for now, the audio transcriptions are narrated using AI. Pronunciations, tone, clarity, and character voices are affected and will not reflect the final product, as the final version will not use AI in any way.
Also, the site looks pretty bare-bones right now because I’m not ready to spend a lot more to make it look fancy just yet.
It's been a while hasn't it? I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.
The Bright Spot second draft is slowly but surely coming along. I don't have a progress bar on it, but rest assured, I'll be sending it off to an editor within the coming month or two. I won't even get into how difficult these last three months have been for me. Since just November, my dog was diagnosed with 'prosencephaly.' His MRI showed a large portion of his cerebral cortex missing. That area fills up with fluid and causes him seizures. It's been very hard for us but he's doing okay! I got into a car accident (don't worry, I'm okay!) which totaled out my car. If it weren't for GAP insurance, I'd have to pay $7k to close out my loan. So if you're offered it, get GAP insurance! And of course, on top of that, we are in the middle of changing residencies! It's just non-stop for me, isn't it?
These things have brought many of my current projects to a halt, including The Bright Spot. I also just got burned out. Apparently writing 2000 words a day, every day, for two months, when you aren't used to doing that is very taxing. I'm ashamed to say that I've been avoiding it. Like a beast who cannot be tamed. Or like a dog who, no matter how many times you tell him, will not leave the poor cat alone.
Surveys will be locked soon, Likely early February. There are 6 of you who have not finished your surveys, (4 of you are my immediate family). So get that sorted before February first! Otherwise you may not get your copy of The Bright Spot when it releases!
The projected release of March/April was foolish. I had assumed that my passion would be on fire for almost a year straight with non-stop hours being put into my work. Unfortunately, I'm not Brandon Sanderson (Journey Before Destination). So The Bright Spot may be closer to releasing Q3/Q4 of 2025 and the public release would be three months later.
I can't remember if I've shown this before but here's something to look at as an apology for the delay. I created a map of the world, but it is a VERY early concept, which will be heavily revised before the full release
Map of Nivalis
I know ALL of you want to see the puppy, so here is baby Oppenheimer! He turns one year old February 1st!
All of the surveys have been sent to every backer. Check your email for anything from Redmatter Creations or Backerkit so you can lock in your shipping address and pay for shipping.
So far only 57% of you have filled out your surveys!
I'll need to have all of your surveys filled out so I can send your pledges when it is ready!
If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to me at [email protected], or contact Backerkit support.
As many of you know, I have been doing a writing sprint, writing my first draft in two months and then turning around and re-writing half of my second draft. I wasn't expecting to hit a road block. With how different draft 2 is from the first, many changes and decisions have to be made. My dog, Oppenheimer, a 9 month old rottweiler, has been having daily cluster seizures. We now know why this occurred, and it is resolved, but paired with the season change and a few other things happening, the novel gets placed on the side burner.
I will be picking it back up and will provide more updates shortly.