Pledge Levels

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Playtester PDF and App

Playtester PDF and App

130 Backers
Playtester PDF and App - $50 The Tome of Rules includes all the core mechanics and character creation rules for Players and Storytellers. The PDF is full color, fully-illustrated, and fully-adaptable to any campaign world. The Character Creation App serves as your character sheet and skill total calculator. This bundle is $50.

Includes 2 items

  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Character Creation App (Digital Copy)
Paragon Hardcover

Paragon Hardcover

109 Backers
Paragon Hardcover - $135 $135 for the rulebook in hardcover. This massive tome is over 5lbs! Nearly 600 full-color pages include all the rules for Players and Storytellers. This pledge level also includes the Tome of Rules in PDF and Kindle formats, as well as a copy of the Character Creation App.

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Character Creation App (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules (Print Copy)
Apotheosis Path Limited Edition Hardcover

Apotheosis Path Limited Edition Hardcover

14 remaining
Apotheosis Path Limited Edition Hardcover - $155 $155 for a "special" rulebook in hardcover for collectors. Due to a mishap at the printers, these copies were sent to us before final edits were completed. These copies have a few spelling errors and print errors in them. These limited editions will be signed and will include a personalized thank you from our design team. They will also include Behind-the-Scenes journal entries, pictures, and other scrapbook memorabilia from over 24 years of playtesting. This pledge level also includes a corrected copy of the Tome of Rules in PDF and Kindle formats, as well as a copy of the Character Creation App.

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Character Creation App (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules Limited Misprint Edition (Print Copy)


Collectors Limited Edition Hardcover

Collectors Limited Edition Hardcover

82 remaining
Collectors’ Limited Edition Hardcover - $250 The same Tome of Rules in hardcover from the Paragon Tier but with laser engraved leather dust jacket. These limited editions will be signed and will include a personalized thank you from our design team. This pledge level also includes the Tome of Rules in PDF and Kindle formats, as well as a copy of the Character Creation App.

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Character Creation App (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules Collector's Limited Edition (Leather Bound Print Copy)
Enlightened Playtester

Enlightened Playtester

16 remaining
Enlightened Playtester - $1000 This Pledge Tier includes everything from the Collectors' Limited Edition Hardcover Tier. It's also a seat at the table. Want to learn how to play the game from the design team? Join the veteran playtesters who have over 24 years of game research and development. Play through a narrative designed to teach you how to play Reforged. Game will be held virtually through remote sign in. Note: All official playtesters are required to sign NDAs to protect their personal privacy and the privacy of other playtesters.

Includes 4 items

  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Character Creation App (Digital Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged RPG: Tome of Rules Collector's Limited Edition (Leather Bound Print Copy)
  • ×1
    Reforged Enlightened Playtester (Digital Seat at the Table)
No Reward

No Reward

4 Backers
Thank you adventurer! If you want to support our amazing team WITHOUT receiving a reward (other than our eternal gratitude) this pledge level is for you.