Rick Kitagawa
11 days ago

Project Update: 48 hours left - free sticker for all backers!

Hi all!

We're down to the last two days of the campaign!

Y'all voted and the Queen of Flames was set to unlock at $2100, meaning the All-Seeing Oracle's unlock stretch goal is $2400.

That said, I believe in us! We're still about $700 away from unlocking all the main stretch goal pins, but I believe we can do it together!

Given that, I wanted to sweeten the deal - I just watched Wicked last night, got inspired and felt the need to both create something as a homage, as well as further the theme behind the pins.

So if you're still on the fence on backing, all backers who pledge for a physical item will find a free sticker when your pins arrive. 

Let's get to it and please spread the word! The more folks we get backing the more likely we'll get through our stretch goals! 

And a friendly reminder that if there's anyone who really need a pin designer, I've got a tier to get some custom pins made for you. 

Have a great one and let's gooooooo!





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