Black Horror Comics -- Paperback
Includes 6 items
×1The Adventures of Lion Man Trade Paperback
×1Box of Bones: Book Two Trade Paperback
×1Blue Hand Mojo: Hard Times Road Trade Paperback
×1Box of Bones: Book One Trade Paperback
×1Refuge Trade Paperback
Along with the trade paperback of THE ADVENTURES OF LION MAN, you will receive paperback copies of BLUE HAND MOJO (John Jennings), BOX OF BONES: BOOKS ONE and TWO (Ayize Jama-Everett, John Jennings, David Brame, et al), REFUGE (Bill Campbell and Louis Netter), and SILK COTTON (Colleen Douglas and Jesus Gan).
NOTE: Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager.
NOTE: Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager.