Conqueror Tier

Days of Yore, written by John LoCascio, illustrated by Curse of the Chupacabra Artist Miky Arango: Enter the brutal world of Days of Yore. This gripping comic chronicles the savage journeys of Yore, one of the first humans to walk the land. In a ruthless fantasy realm, Elves, Snakemen, Dwarves, and Giants inhabit the lands. Humanity crawls out from the depths of the Earth, only to be enslaved by Snakemen and hunted by Giants for their flesh. Shackled and beaten, Yore rises from the darkness. After a bloody escape from captivity, he joins forces with the cunning Elves and stout Dwarves. This relentless saga follows Yore and his new friends as they battle through merciless trials, carving a path to freedom and seizing his destiny as the first human king.

From Author John LoCascio:
When the opportunity to create a comic for The Sagaverse arrived, I quickly settled on making a tale set in a fantasy realm. I wanted to tie the comic into our 5e/OSE universe as a recognizable fantasy setting you might experience in your home game but also to examine the early years of such worlds before many thousands of years of history, lore, and legends. A more primordial world to explore how many classic fantasy tropes and archetypes might come about. 

For example, in classic DnD settings, there are pantheons of gods that provide divine magic, so it seemed to me that divine and nature-based magic would flourish if they did not dominate early history. So, how did arcane magic come about? Who cast the first healing spell, and under what circumstances? Progressing using this type of reasoning, I began to put together the basis of the Primal Age fantasy setting for Days of Yore. 

We pick up the story well after creation but not so far along that there are extinct civilizations or even advanced magic and metallurgy. Still, elves and dwarves have battled murderous giants and the dragon-worshiping empire of snakemen for many centuries, so there is some established history.  

Great victories early on for the elves and dwarves turned into costly victories and increasingly frequent outright losses.  

Relics from creation that have kept the snake men more or less at bay have begun to fade, and the elves have all they can do to survive, while the hill dwarves have been forced deep into the mountains and cut off from their elven allies.  

The snake-men are satraps of the demigod Apophis, an ancient Black Dragon son of Tiamat, and they rule by his name. The Wyrm Lords (Snake-Men) are now making final preparations to assault the elves in the north and wipe them off the face of the earth. 

Enter Humankind. 

Our comic begins on the very day the world at large becomes aware of the existence of a new race: humans. We follow the human male Yore as his tribe is routed and enslaved, a humble beginning for a would-be king. 

Conqueror Tier


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