Pledge Levels

Back this project by selecting a pledge level

Digital Book

Digital Book

360 Backers


Paperback Book

Paperback Book

646 Backers
You get a paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVTY. You also get an ebook. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Audiobook Structuring Life to Support Creativity

Audiobook Structuring Life to Support Creativity

10 Backers
You get an audiobook of Structuring Life to Support Creativity


The Creativity Bundle

The Creativity Bundle

63 Backers
This bundle includes a signed paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY, an ebook, a notebook to write your notes and activity lists, and a few small gift items such as notecards, stickers, and bookmarks. (Quantities and exact nature of gift items will depend on funding goals reached) 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Super Supporter

Super Supporter

33 Backers
You get a signed paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVTY, an ebook, the creativity bundle, and you get your name printed in the book to thank you for your amazing support in making this book happen. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Retailer Bundle

Retailer Bundle

4 Backers
You get ten copies of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVTY signed that you can then resell through your store. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Book and Consultation

Book and Consultation

5 remaining
A signed copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY, an ebook, your name printed in the book as a super supporter, and a 45 minute one-on-one video consultation with Sandra to discuss your projects, your challenges, and how to make more space for creativity in your life. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Creativity Bundle and Consultation

Creativity Bundle and Consultation

7 remaining
Bundle includes a signed paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY, an ebook, your name printed in the book, and all of the Creativity Bundle items. You also get a 45 minute one-on-one video consultation with Sandra to discuss your projects, your challenges, and how to make more space for creativity in your life. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Group Mentoring

Group Mentoring

3 remaining
Join a monthly Check-In group where you meet with Sandra Tayler and others once per month to talk about your projects, share resources, and provide accountability for each other. Group will run for 12 months. You also get a signed paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY, creativity bundle, ebook, and your name printed in the book. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.
Individualized Mentoring

Individualized Mentoring

6 remaining
4 one-on-one video consultations over 12 months during which Sandra will help you develop strategy for creative work or business. Sandra will check in with you monthly to provide accountability and encouragement. This pledge also includes a signed paperback copy of STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY, an ebook, the Creativity Bundle, and your name printed in the book. 📦 Shipping will be charged later, see the shipping section for details.