Sarah Biglow - Fantasy and Mystery Author
30 days ago

Project Update: Every heroine's journey begins with a quest...

Nothing makes a hero quite like the harrowing hurdles they're forced to jump and Morgan is no different.

Sure, she might have bested Arthur and exposed him for the fraud he is, but that leaves her in a kingdom she doesn't know, surrounded by people who are just as distrustful of her as she is of them. A happy family reunion this does not make.

Fueled by rigteous anger at the years she's lost, Morgan is keen to at least try and forge a relationship with her birth mother. And things seem to be off to a tentatively good start. Until the imposter pulls a jail break, pushing the kingdom towards the brink of war.

Morgan doesn't feel much like a leader, let alone the Chosen One. But fate is alwasy there to offer a guiding hand--or a not so gentle shove--towards where she needs to be.

Nothing prepares her for her first foray as a proper princess and a hero to take her right back to where she started. Yet, it is with great relief that she finds her path ahead--chasing the Holy Grail--with her best friend and confidante.

A glimpse at what her future might hold, Morgan knows she must build her ranks and she'd have no one else fill that first seat than Julayne. Ever Morgan's champion, she is smart and inquisitive with an eye towards history. All skills Morgan will need to rely on to chase the disparate clues that just might bring her to an ancient magical relic and a glimpse into her family's past.

Her reunion with Julayne isn't just to give her friend the fairytale experience they'd always longed for. The hunt for the Grail carries with it a deeper bond. One of shared magic, a sisterhood of power and protection.

A gift freely given, a pledge of loyalty to bind them tight.

Her journey shows her glimpses of those who'd allied with her family in the past, giving hope for a renewed bond in the present. Because while she craves that support of friendship, she can't deny the attraction stirring with her for a handsome dragon who appears to only have eyes for her.

But even conquering this first hurdle may not be enough to quiet the sound of drums, pounding in the offing, threatening to tear her people apart.

Don't forget, your quest isn't over either. With only a week left before the campaign ends, be sure to back Elemental Dragons to ensure you unlock your FREE pins!

And the final poll is open. Which pin designs will be our fourth and fifth?
10 votes • Final results
When we reach $4,000 we'll unlock our fourth pin design!
Goal: $3,510 / $4,000
We need $490 more to reach this goal.





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