Loving The Dismal Armoury (UK spelling) and yesterday was a breakthrough!!! After putting 18 Degenerates into The Armoury (with at least 10 of them not surviving their first combat), I have at last managed to get a Degenerate Biker who has so far survived 6 rooms (currently resting in the Security Checkpoint) and has defeated 5 enemies (An Eisenclave Merc; Postal Berserker; Spreader Zombie; Skraebeast and the Zygodominus). - Hopefully The Dice Gods will continue smiling on me (a rare occurrance) and I'll continue the adventure tomorrow. I seem to roll only enemies as occupants (only 1 Survivor whom I failed to influence anyway) and no empty rooms!!!! - Just one questions if I may Scott? Was your intention that initiative is rolled only once at the start of a combat or rolled every round of combat? I've played it both ways and prefer to roll initiative at the start of each round of combat as it makes it even more exciting, but would like to know what your intention was/is? - Anyways, loving the game, hopefully my Biker will survice and move onto Blood on the Bleak Road, thanks for the game, great fun. Cheers Steve





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