Shiloh Walker
5 days ago

Project Update: Hot DAMN! Ahem...okay, then. It's TRIVIA TIME!

First...let me say... 

Woo-hoo!!!! We broke $6k!  We've been flirting with it for days but a backer pushed us up and over today!

Now we're talking DUSTJACKETS!

I've already booked my consult with Blue Raven Bookcovers. If you haven't seen her covers before, you should totally check them out. I first saw her work in the Kickstarter Facebook group I'm a member of and I was blown away.

We'll be doing a poll in a bit to discuss on what you guys think, people or a more abstract cover so starting thinking about that.


In this update!

  • I posted about geeky love. Did you see?
  • There's a cover poll and there are thoughts, but now I'm thinking I like a different idea a bit more. It's below. Take a look and tell me what you think.
  • We need another stretch goal.
  • The next trivia question

Another cover option


Let me know in comments.

We need new stretch goals

If we hit $7000
  • Printed Lore Cards for everybody who backed a physical tier

I'd love to do full-color illustrations and foiling on the jacket, but that's more on the lines of hitting $11k or $12k

But if we hit $8k, we can look at
  • Printed endpapers

Doable??? Maybe!

Thoughts? Suggestions for other stretch goals? I'm still new at this!

And onto the next trivia question!
56 votes • 5 days left




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