Digital + Print on Demand

This option allows us to partner with the folks at DriveThruRPG to offer a print on demand option. You will receive a coupon redeemable at DriveThru for a copy of the game at just the base cost of printing (we get no more). You pay for shipping, virtually anywhere in the world. 

We cannot guarantee the price that DriveThruRPG will charge for printing when the game is completed. Right now, the cost for a black and white hardcover (color cover) is $18.48 USD, but costs may change. 

This option is great for anyone who:

  • Wants a printed copy of Vergence shipped outside the United States
  • Would like to pay $20 now and then pay the remaining cost later on 
  • Isn't sure whether they want the printed book and wants to keep their options open 

Digital + Print on Demand


27 Backers