Project Update: Smoke Test is live!
Project Update: Happy New Year Update
1. The BackerKit Pledge Manager is under review, so look for more info on that this week as we get ready to send out surveys.
2. The art and writing have been completed and are all installed in the layout file. Look for a preview version of the digital files some time in the next two weeks.
3. We're ordering a sample of the card deck next week so we will have some cool pictures to share with you all as to what the final product will look like.
Okay, thanks for reading, and cheers until next time!
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Project Update: Pledge Manager coming soon!
Just a quick up date for today: the pledge manager is being built out and the smoke test will go live some time in the next couple of weeks. Meanwhile behind the scenes Boson is finishing up the card art and Christian is working on layout for all of the cards, fronts and backs both.
Cheers and thank you all for being so supportive!
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So I went into this Mothership month super excited and as it came to the end I was ok with what I got but then this "Overtime" thing happened. It gave me a pause as to what mattered here and why the "Overtime." First the overtime was the easy one. Crowd funding has always had an element of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) but as we've all become accustomed to this, people have lost the fear. This Overtime is a way to bring that fear back. "Oh my gosh. This thing could end at any second so I better throw some money down." At first I thought I was having a "buyers remorse" feeling, but the more I thought about it over the last 28 hours of this overtime, I realized it was both an aggravation at this artificial excitement that TKG was trying to generate, but more importantly I realized I didn't need any of this other than this project. So I canceled my other pledges and have kept this one. From the start this project was the one that drew me in and while the "drop pods" seemed like a nice bonus, the stickers were just going to end up in the trash and this project is already giving me the NPCs I would have wanted out of the cards. So while I think this is a low blow from TKG creating this FOMO experience, it's allowed me to take a step back and focus on what creators are giving us truly special material and this one was it for me. So a long way around the barn to say thank you. I'm looking forward to this project.