Storytellers Forge Studios
3 days ago

Project Update: Update 6.0: A HUGE THANK YOU! (And what to expect next.)

I may need more than the usual amount of coffee after last night....


Okay, I've seen some end of crowdfunding pushes, but last night was a bit special. We crossed several stretch goals yesterday and had a huge spike. amazing for everyone involved, since that actually means more stuff for everyone.

Thank you to everyone who helped support us finishing this project. Your pledge and support allows us to bring this insane dream to reality, into print, and eventually into your hands.

What Comes Next?

Step #1 for us is getting the manuscript compiled with the last bits we added during this crowdfunding window (yes, we've been working and adding content), and then we turn it over to copy editing.

While this is happening, our Art group is getting started this month. Everyone who backed this project will get to see the pretty art as it rolls in (sharing text is vastly less exciting). This whole process to finish production should be roughly 4-5 months.

Step 1.A Open up the preorder store here on Backerkit for those who missed the campaign mode (you'll be able to grab a copy of the hardcover and some select add-ons while we are in production).

Step #1.B In the next 30 days, anyone who backed the Villain of the Realms tier will get contacted by the team and thrust into a call with Hughe, Myself, The Eldritch Editor, and our Art Director (and we play the scheduling tarrasque battle). We need to get your art orders, bounties, and download character lore!

Step #2: Gamefound? So....we really want to make the soundtrack. Like...really really. So in May, we are going to break out the soundtrack, mini's and remaining stretch goals into a separate micro campaign and launch on Gamefound. You can follow along:

RIGHT HERE! <- Click this text.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! ANY GOALS WE UNLOCK THERE BENEFIT ALL OF YOU HERE! You do not need to go pledge support again. You already helped! We might have a unique pledge tier like the Ringmasters Brew, but it's okay. We are sharing this so you can follow along. That campaign will be much quieter on the email front and notifications on this side...because the true goal there is to unlock the soundtrack and bake it into the book like the Black Ballad.

Step #3: Layout! Once all the art, production, and final text is done, layout should take about 2 months. Which means... everyone should be getting a draft pdf in 6-7 months from now. We lit that simmer for a bit, and then...

Step #4: Print Run. The print run and press proof process takes about another 2 months. By this point however, all digital assets will be delivered.

Step #5: Shipping. We can't ship books if they aren't completed, but once the pallet of books arrives, we start shipping! It takes about a month to get everything all sorted at the distribution center and shipped.

Ultimately we are looking at 10-12 months from now for delivery after the full production cycle. Which is pretty damn good for TTRPG crowdfunding, and you guys will get plenty of other content as it's made and finished along the way, so...stay tuned because now all of you are part of the process.

There will be polls, chances for feedback, and you get to be a part of this process with us. That's the fun of being an early backer! about something in the meantime?

Some of you, may have snagged the last special editions of the Black Ballad or even some novels. Well...those are already done. We can actually ship those out next month if you wanted...but there is a catch: split shipping is kind of annoying.

If you want some of your add-ons early, just email us at [email protected] and we will check your address and look into media mailing you a package. We may hit you up for a few bucks on shipping, and we'll update the back end here to mark that portion as filled. This is on a case-by-case basis, but it's certainly doable. Just let us know if you want your copy of the finished stuff all bundled and shipped out early!

Again, thank you so much everyone! We are about to zoom around like the caffeinated (and now apparently tea-infused) creators that we are!

The Storytellers Forge Team. 





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