All available Add-ons
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An original tree painting
$401 purchasedThis add on is for additional tree paintings. They are 2.5" x 3" on black watercolor paper and painted with handmade watercolors. They will be sent randomly, and the image does not represent every single tree painting made.Edit -
The original Little Comforts vol. 5
$203 purchasedFor those that missed the very last book in the original Little Comforts series, you can add on a copy of volume 5. This book is 5 x 7, vertical format, and is a bit different from our reboot.Edit -
Assorted Postcard
$1.5013 purchasedAssorted postcards for $1.50 each. They will come blank on the back for your personal use. (Image chosen will be random from the postcards unlocked)Edit -
Story Postcards
$1.504 purchasedFrom Jack to Julie and back again. These postcards are a glimpse at Jack and Julie's relationship as they write to one another in the war. They will come with the writing printed on the back and will feature new art, not in the book but relevant to the postcard. There are currently 4 unlocked (there will be as many available as there are postcards unlocked in the acheivements).Edit